When baby rabbits are born the mother usually will pull some of her fur and line the nest box with their fur. This normally is enough to keep baby rabbits warm until they grow some fur.
I have been raising meat rabbits for years. I used to have over 200 breeding doe and would have litters of rabbits being born every day. During the winter I would lose lots of baby rabbits due to the cold. I would feed the dead baby rabbits to my dog smokey.
Sometimes you can revive a baby rabbit that you think has died. They get cold and need to be warmed up. I would remove the next box and bring it inside the house near the fire. This would revive the baby rabbit and I would put them back with their mother the next morning.
Sometimes the doe does not pull any or enough fur to keep the baby rabbits warm.
Here are the steps I would take to keep baby rabbits warm.
- I would take some fur from another doe who pulled hair for her nest box. I would put this hair inside the nest box without any fur.
- If the doe only had a few baby rabbits, I would put her baby rabbits with another doe who had baby rabbits near the same age.
- I would put one Hothands Hand Warmer inside the next box every night until the baby rabbits grew some fur. I would remove the hothands each night and replace it with a new one.