Comfrey For Rabbits

comfrey for rabbits

What is Comfrey?

Comfrey is a shrub that grows in parts of Europe, Asia, and North America. It can grow up to 5 feet tall. It produces clusters of purple, blue, and white flowers, and it’s famous for its long, slender leaves and black-skinned roots.

Buy Comfrey For Rabbits

The root and leaves of the comfrey plant have been used in traditional medicine in many parts of the world. In Japan, the plant has been harvested and used as a traditional treatment for over 2,000 years. It was originally called “knitbone” and people used it to treat:

muscle sprains



joint inflammation

Europeans have also used comfrey to treat inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis and gout. Some traditional healers have also used it to treat diarrhea and other stomach ailments.

The roots of leaves of the comfrey plant contain chemical substances called allantoin and rosmarinic acid. Allantoin boosts the growth of new skin cells, while rosmarinic acid helps relieve pain and inflammation. Extracts are still made from the roots and leaves and turned into ointments, creams, or salves. These solutions typically have a comfrey content of 5 to 20 percent.

Making Comfrey Salve

Can Rabbits Eat Comfrey?

Nutritional value of comfrey for rabbits.  Comfrey is a great source of vitamin A. Comfrey added to your animal feed fills the gaps in vitamins and minerals.  Comfrey is good for the stomach, and can be fed as a general gut tonic.

nutritional value of comfrey for rabbits

Can Rabbits Have Comfrey Leaf?

Feeding rabbits mostly comfrey leaf can help with sniffles, premature kindling and help nursing does produce milk.  We pick comfrey almost every day and feed the fresh leaves to the rabbits.

You are able to cut comfrey leaves and dry them like hay.  You can store them for use during the winter. Always use caution when feeding greens to rabbits! Being extremely potent comfrey can have negative effects if overfed, and can cause diarrhea.

Growing Comfrey For Rabbits

Where To Buy Comfrey Online?

I purchased 12 Russian Comfrey Bocking-14 Cultivar on Amazon.

Comfrey Root Cuttings

The directions state that you should soak your root cuttings in water until a tap root appears.  Then you add them to the soil.

rabbits comfrey

Comfrey Plant For Rabbits

Which planet of comfrey is good for rabbits?  I planted my 12 Russian Comfrey Bocking-14 Cultivar in 3 gallon pots.  I added rabbit manure in the pot before I added the comfrey root cutting.

can rabbits have comfrey leaf
growing comfrey for rabbits
rabbit manure
Rabbit Manure
Comfrey root cutting with rabbit manure fertilizer
can i feed my rabbits comfrey
is comfrey good for rabbits
where to buy comfrey
comfrey for rabbits
Author: RabbitMan